
For students looking for a room in OsakaEnglish is available!


Please contact us!

Reliable service content!安心のサービス内容!


In Japanese real estate industry,many apartment owners or management companies still say that foreign residents are not allowed to move in. We have the know-how and original root,because we have been running for over 20 years in central area of Osaka as a management and rental apartment company,and have many information from owners or other management companies. Therefore,we can introduce rooms which you will be satisfied with. Even the property foreign people are not allowed to move in,we will negotiate with owners or management companies 1 on 1.We have established the support systems for foreign customers can send their lives comfortable in japan.



Advantages of Miraieミライエの強み

“Miraie”operates 2 branches at Osaka station and Shinsaibashi station. and have extensive information network. We introduce rooms with the online system for real estate industry. In the online system,there are lots of information,not only private housing but also public housing,single housing,share rooms,cheap rent,luxury properties etc.We will help you to find the best room for you.

不動産業者専用のオンラインデータベースの採用により民間住宅の情報はもちろん!! レオパレス21・UR賃貸住宅(公団住宅)都民住宅等から外国人歓迎の賃貸アパート・マンション・一戸建て・ルームシェア物件格安賃貸から高級物件まで全ての物件情報を利用しあなたに合うお部屋をご提供致します。

Shinsaibashi Horie Store 心斎橋堀江店


We are located at fashionable town in Osaka Horie,over 10years as a communicated company. Many foreign customers who have come to our shop always said”I was so happy that could find the wonderful room with "Miraie” Let’s enjoy your life in Osaka,Japan with us!


Recommended for those who have such troubles.こんなお悩みをお持ちの方にオススメ


Case1.Sponsors are not.【保証人がいない場合】 When foreign people look for a room,they sometimes get problem about guarantor.However,there are some ways to make it unnecessary to have guarantor these days,for example,you can make contact with rental guarantee obligation companies or there are some municipalities which supports those kinds of people. If you are student,it is also possible to use services such as “Comprehensive Renters Insurance"for foreign students studying in Japan.When the joint guarantor is forced to perform guarantee obligation by owners, the company pay guarantee instead of him/her if you are using this service. Students who have entered to Japanese University,Junior College or College(people who have the status of residence of”College Student”)can use this service.Please ask person who is in charge of this for the details.

外国の方がお部屋探しをする際の一つには保証人の問題がありますが、最近では賃貸債務保証会社との契約により、 保証人が不要となる場合が多くなってきていますし、民間賃貸住宅入居支援を行っている自治体もあります。
外国人留学生なら、留学生住宅総合補償制度を利用する事も出来ます。 留学生住宅総合補償制度とは、連帯保証人が貸主から保証債務の履行請求を受けた場合に、連帯保証人に補償金を支払う制度です。 日本の大学、短期大学、専門学校に入学した留学生(留学在留資格を持っている方)であれば、利用できます。詳細は各学校の外国人留学生支援担当に問い合わせましょう。


Case2.Do not know the property can be rented with my visa. 【自分のビザで借りられる物件が分からない場合】 There are many kinds of VISA,and it differs which property is allowed to move in according to the types of VISA.
Miraie can introduce rooms for people with any types of VISA,such as working visa,student visa,tourist visa,marriage visa and so on,so feel free to talk to us about anything.


Rental system入居までの流れ

1.Contact us and Make reservationお問い合わせ・ご予約

First,please kindly contact us by telephone or by filling in the e-mail form.Then please kindly make a reservation before you visit our shop.


2.Come visit usご来店

Our staff will introduce rooms which meet your requirement.If you find a good room,we will book the property tour to go and check the room actually.


3.Property Tour 物件見学

After you checked the room actually, and you decided to move in,you will offer for contract.


4.Examination and Contract審査・契約

After you passed the contract examination,we will make a contact. Then you need to contact to the moving company.
We advise you to contact them once you decided when you will move in to the room.

晴れて契約が完了したら、引越し会社に連絡して入居の準備を。 引越しの日取りが決まったら不動産会社に連絡しておきましょう。

5.Move inご入居

On the day of moving in,we will give you room keys.In most cases,electricity,gas and water services are stopped when you move in,so you need to contact to those companies as soon as possible.(In Japan,you need to pay for each of them in addition to house rent.) After that you need to go to the city office and offer to change your address. It is also important in Japan to visit to pay your respects to the neighbours.It will be much better if you bring some gifts for them. That makes them feel that you are a wonderful person,and they might help you in the future.

入居日にお部屋の鍵をお渡し致します。 基本的に入居時は電気、ガス、水道、通信などがストップした状態なので、まずは管轄のインフラ会社に電話をしてライフラインを整えましょう。 (ちなみに日本では電気、ガス、水道は全て有料)その後役所に行って住所変更の手続きをしましょう。 管理人やオーナーが近くに住んでいる場合は挨拶をしておくのも大事なマナー。 できれば手土産を持参するとアナタへの印象もグっと良くなり、困った時にお願いごとをしやすくなるかも。

Advance preparation事前準備

When you rent a room such as apartment,rental fee differs according to area,age of building,equipments and size of the room.
So we advise you to consider exactly in which area or what types of room you would like to live and how much you can pay for mouthy fee.

You need to prepare those 7 items below for contract examination.



  • Passportパスポート
  • A copy of the resident住民票の写し(外国人登録原票記載事項証明書に代わるもの)
  • Certificate of employment勤務証明書
  • School certificate在学証明書・入学証明書
  • Income certificate収入証明書
  • Employment eligibility certificate就労資格証明書
  • Investment permit資格外活動許可書

The items you need to prepare might differs according to the details of your contract.Please note that we will make a copy for those items.


If you find a property in Osaka, look at "Miraie"!
Anything please contact us.
